Protective Security Policy Framework Zone 3 Colocation Services Panel

  • Mandatory
Date: 10 Nov 2021 - 10 Nov 2026
Updated: 10 Nov 2021
Managed: Digital.NSW Contact owner
Type: Whole of government
Contract Number: 555
Hosting services for information and systems with the security classification of ‘PROTECTED’.

What’s covered

Suppliers on the panel can deliver colocation services that comply with zone 3 specifications, as defined by the Commonwealth’s Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF).

Compliance with PSPF zone 3 is required for hosting classified data with protective marking ‘PROTECTED’.

These services complement the NSW Government’s GovDC program. Suppliers on the panel adhere to technical standards and GovDC operational requirements.

What you need to know

When to use the panel

The panel can only be used where an agency needs private or community cloud (or legacy self-hosted) with the security classification of ‘PROTECTED’.

The agency must have an exemption from DCS-2021-1 Cloud Circular.

Key contract features

Contract terms are aligned to the MICTA/ICTA contracting framework.

To ensure buyers can achieve value for money, maximum prices for products and services and commercial framework are in the head agreement. Buyers may also be able to negotiate their own discounts.

There is no minimum spend or commitment. Buyers may issue an order proposal to a supplier on the panel if they’re satisfied that the supplier represents value for money.

The panel membership and price lists are reviewed periodically to ensure they remain relevant and continue to provide value for money.

Each supplier has a product and service menu with service descriptions and levels. This may be explicitly incorporated into the contract as an attachment or by reference to publicly available service offerings.

Any value adds that the supplier provides to the order proposal must be presented in a clear and transparent manner.

The contract must set out:

  • the total value of the value add
  • how the value is calculated
  • the percentage discount to the contract price that the value add represents.

Depending on the terms of the customer contract, buyers can raise multiple orders or add orders through the ordering process. This may also be able to be completed electronically through an online interface, depending on the preferred supplier.

The panel enables buyers to procure a range of product and services across multiple panel members, promoting diversity and innovation.

Who to contact

The contract is managed by Government Technology Platforms (GTP), Department of Customer Services.

GTP, as contract authority:

  • acts as the contracting authority for the panel
  • provides the performance management function
  • supports agencies and clusters on customer contracts
  • conducts refreshes and intakes.

You can contact GTP at

Approved suppliers

The list of suppliers will be made available to an agency once the requirement for hosting PROTECTED workloads has been submitted as part of the cloud policy exemption process. For further details, please contact

Who’s eligible to buy

The panel can only be used where an agency has a requirement for private or community cloud (or legacy self-hosted) with security classification of ‘PROTECTED’.

DCS-2021-1 Cloud Circular requires agencies to also seek an exemption to the NSW Government Cloud Policy prior to using the panel. To start the exemption process, please email

Most of the contracts within the panel are available to any government agency or eligible non-agency buyer (including local government and other government jurisdictions). However, this may vary by supplier. To confirm your eligibility, please email

Transitioning from an existing contract to the panel

If you’re currently on a contract with a service provider, you can migrate over to the panel when the contract reaches the end of the term.

You may be able to transition earlier without penalty if the contract terms allow, or if you’re prepared to pay any early termination charges.

How to buy: step by step

1. Access price-lists

Each supplier has a product and service menu and a price list. Access to this information is available under a non-disclosure agreement due to confidentiality. For more information, please email

2. Seek competitive quotes

The number of quotes you should seek depends on the value of the procurement. View PBD-2021-04 Approved procurements arrangements.

3. Place an order with your chosen supplier

Orders are placed against customer contracts. The ordering process is the same for each supplier. Buyers manage their own customer contracts.

If the service levels don't suit your needs

You can try to negotiate custom service levels as agency-specific requirements. Keep in mind however that the suppliers are not obligated to supply services according to custom service levels. If they do agree, it may be subject to extra fees and charges.

How to manage complaints and disputes

In the case of a dispute, both the buyer and the supplier must use their best efforts to resolve in the first instance. If this is not possible, the dispute should be escalated to senior executives. If needed, GovDC is happy to help facilitate this conversation.

If the dispute cannot be resolved by mutual agreement of both parties in consultation, it may be referred to expert determination or mediation, depending on the contract. These more formal processes will need a higher level of detailed documentation, correspondence and records.

Send feedback on supplier performance

The panel has a supplier performance management process that monitors compliance and service levels.

If you have any feedback, please email

Who can supply

The suppliers on the panel have undergone a qualification process to be admitted to the panel arrangement.

Each supplier provides products and services as defined in their schedule of pricing listing.

How to apply

New service providers can register for inclusion on the panel at any time. However, supplier intakes will happen periodically.

If you would like to apply, please register your interest by emailing

How to update pricing

Suppliers on the panel can update pricing set out in the schedule of prices at any time by varying the head agreement, subject to acceptance and execution of variation by the panel manager, Government Technology Platforms (GTP), Department of Customer Services.

GTP may also periodically seek updates to the schedule of prices. If you’d like to update your prices, please email

As the price list are ceiling prices, you’re free to offer lower prices to any customer under a customer contract.

Having your best price in the panel improves the chance you’ll be asked to quote for services by a potential buyer.