The Guide to environmentally sustainable procurement helps NSW Government agencies embed sustainability into every step of the procurement process.
Updated ICTA and Core& contract templates now meet the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner’s Guidance on Reasonable Steps to manage modern slavery risks in operations and supply-chains (GRS) which came into effect from 1 January 2024.
Updates to the Guidance on implementing Procurement Board Direction 2024-02 Increasing opportunities for local suppliers to supply to government are now available.
Contract 23616, the ICT Spend Management Panel (ICT SMP), helps NSW Government customers optimise ICT expenditure. It offers systems, software, professional services, and managed services to better manage ICT spend.
New self-service guidance to make it easier for NSW Government buyers to adopt innovation-friendly procurement practices.
NSW Procurement has published initial guidance to help agencies implement PBD 2024-02.
NSW Government agencies must consider local suppliers in their government procurement processes.
This direction mandates the publication of all NSW Government supply opportunities exceeding $150,000 (including GST) on buy NSW.
The NSW Supplier Code of Conduct was updated to clarify the government’s expectations of suppliers to address all forms of modern slavery.
The BAS Standard Commercial Framework 2022 (BAS SCF) will remain in effect until 31 August 2024.