Information communications technology
Best practice procurement

ICT/Digital Sourcing releases guidance on procurement of Artificial Intelligence

  • Announcement
Updated: 19 Jun 2024
Information communications technology
Best practice procurement
ICT/Digital Sourcing published the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Procurement Essentials. This provides key considerations for sourcing and managing AI enabled systems.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Procurement Essentials is an accessible introduction, demystifying AI procurement for the general NSW Government AI buying audience.

The AI Procurement Essentials page provides NSW Government buying teams with key considerations for sourcing and managing AI enabled systems. It's an overview of the relevant policies, processes, benefits, and considerations, to inform and engage the community.

The safe and effective procurement of AI is critical to maximising the value it brings to NSW communities.

ICT/Digital Sourcing is developing a more comprehensive and detailed AI procurement guidance for responsible AI officers and buyers, to be released in the coming months.

For feedback and questions related to the AI Procurement Essentials, contact ICTServices@customerservice.nsw.gov.au