
SCM5862 Modern Methods of Construction Procurement List now open

  • Announcement
Updated: 21 May 2024
Manufacturers and suppliers can now register for the Modern Methods of Construction Procurement List, which will be open for 3 years.

A procurement list of Modern Methods of Construction manufacturers of homes will be used for housing projects, delivered by Homes NSW.

Suppliers who wish to register can do so through the Supplier Hub at Buy NSW.

The following procurement list covers products and services for residential development across supply categories:

  • pre-manufactured 3D primary structural systems (volumetric or modular)
  • pre-manufactured 2D primary structural systems (kit of parts)
  • additive manufacturing
  • pre-manufactured - non-structural assemblies and sub-assemblies.

Information from applicants will also be sought regarding the provision of:

  • delivery/transport services (of the products)
  • site connection/installation (of the products)
  • different dwelling types that can be delivered using these products.

For more information view the Applicant Guidelines and Conditions for Participation.

If you have any questions, send an email to HomesNSW-HP-Procurement@homes.nsw.gov.au