Supplier Code of Conduct
The NSW Supplier Code of Conduct was updated on 30 July 2024 to reflect modern slavery laws. See Clause 4.6 for details.
The NSW Government strives to conduct sustainable and inclusive government procurement.
Our suppliers are our partners in delivering the best social and commercial outcomes for the state of NSW and its citizens.
This Supplier Code of Conduct (the code) outlines the ethical standards and behaviours we expect from ourselves and our suppliers.
1. We are committed to the highest ethical standards
When conducting business with NSW Government you can expect that we will:
- comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures
- act with integrity and openness
- demonstrate fairness and transparency in our dealings with individuals and organisations
- disclose any perceived or real conflicts of interest
- encourage fair and open competition while seeking value for money and innovative solutions
- adopt procurement processes to make it easy to do business
- publish details of contracts awarded as required by legislation
- protect and prevent the release of commercial-in-confidence information
- not seek, or accept, any financial or non-financial benefits from potential, current or past suppliers
- respond to reasonable requests for advice and information, including tender debriefings
- investigate complaints.
2. We expect our suppliers and their supply chains to commit to the highest ethical standards
When conducting business with NSW Government we expect that you will:
- comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies, procedures and good business practices
- ensure third parties acting on your behalf comply with this code
- act with integrity and openness
- conduct business in an ethical and safe manner
- disclose any perceived or real conflicts of interest
- not discuss or disclose dealings with NSW Government to the media without approval
- pay your suppliers / contractors on time
- protect and prevent the release of commercial-in-confidence information
- ensure the security and proper use of government information, assets and materials
- not offer NSW Government employees/contractors any financial or non-financial benefits
- respond to reasonable requests for advice and information
- report breaches of this code to NSW Government.
3. Implications of non-compliance with this code
Suppliers should be aware that non-compliance with this code when doing business with the NSW Government, or demonstrated corrupt or unethical conduct, could lead to:
- termination of contracts
- loss of future work
- loss of reputation
- investigation for corruption
- matter referred for criminal investigation
- suspension or removal from prequalification schemes and panel arrangements
4. More information
4.1 Gifts, hospitality and other benefits
Suppliers must not at any time offer or provide any financial or non-financial benefits to NSW Government employees/contractors.
NSW Government employees/contractors are not permitted to request financial or non-financial benefits and are expected to decline such offers.
4.2 Conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived, must be immediately reported to the relevant NSW Government department or agency.
A conflict of interests can arise when a person’s business and private interests intersect.
Private interests can include a person’s own professional and financial interests, as well as past and present associations with other individuals, groups or family.
4.3 Confidentiality and intellectual property rights
Information provided by or collected from the NSW Government is provided on a confidential basis, unless otherwise explicitly indicated, or the information is already in the public domain.
The NSW Government and our suppliers will respect and honour each other’s confidentiality and intellectual property rights.
4.4 Environmental sustainability
We expect our suppliers to minimise the environmental impact of their operations and maintain environmentally responsible policies and practices.
4.5 Sponsorship
Any sponsorship arrangement must be open and transparent and should not create any perception that it will improperly influence the decision making of the NSW Government.
4.6 Modern slavery, labour and human rights
Suppliers must take all reasonable steps to ensure that businesses within their supply-chains are not supplying products of modern slavery.
We expect our suppliers to provide a fair and ethical workplace free from workplace bullying, harassment, victimisation and abuse.
We expect our suppliers to ensure that businesses within their supply chain are not engaged in, or complicit with other human rights abuses.
4.7 Workplace health and safety
We expect our suppliers to provide a safe work environment and integrate sound health and safety management practices into their business.
Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to workplace, health and safety.
5. How do I report wrongdoing?
If you are concerned about a possible breach of this code, you should report this directly to the relevant NSW Government agency.
If you are concerned about any conduct that could involve fraud, corrupt conduct, maladministration, or serious and substantial waste of public funds, this can be reported via one of these external channels:
- corrupt conduct – Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
- maladministration – NSW Ombudsman
- serious and substantial waste – NSW Audit Office
- access to government information (GIPA) – Information and Privacy Commission NSW