Infrastructure advisory services
Definition of infrastructure advisory services
Infrastructure advisory services are engineering, technical, design and advisory services provided under a fee for service arrangement in relation to any stage in the infrastructure asset lifecycle, from concept through to commissioning (and where applicable the ongoing operations and maintenance of the asset) of all economic and social infrastructure assets for the NSW Government.
Infrastructure advisory services exclude:
- advice relating to information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure
- all other non-infrastructure related advisory services, including, but not limited to, legal services and general consulting.
Service types
Service type | Definition |
Architecture | The consultant in this capability demonstrates specialised skill and experience to design new buildings and structures, refurbishment and interior fit out of existing buildings and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings. Technical services include site based master planning, concept design and feasibility, architectural documentation for construction, coordination of sub consultants. Key skills may also include architectural research, preparation of return briefs and strategic thinking. |
Design specialist | Provides specialist advice on design aspects for Education, Health and Transport infrastructure. |
Interior design | Designs indoor spaces for functionality, safety and aesthetics. |
Landscape architecture | The consultant in this capability demonstrates specialised skill and experience to analyse, strategies and design outdoor environments, including public space, open space and recreation, green infrastructure and corridors, parks, landmarks and outdoor structures. Technical services include spatial master planning, concept design and architectural documentation for landscape projects, rehabilitation strategies, wayfinding strategies, horticultural and arboricultural advice, implementation plans. A key skill is to integrate and balance environmental, social-behavioural and aesthetic outcomes for landscape projects. |
Urban design | Advises, analyses, designs and documents the urban environment and orderly development of communities including development feasibility, policy, strategy and research. Precinct based master planning, including strategic frameworks, spatial master plans, statutory land use, implementation plans, and infrastructure associated urban and precinct scale projects. |
Service type | Definition |
Acoustics and vibration | Analyses, models, designs, documents and monitors noise and vibration performance, ensuring design requirements are met. Services provided include reverberation and noise control, airborne sound insulation, impact sound isolation and structure-borne vibration control, acoustic optimisation and environmental noise assessments. Includes peer review assessment. |
Civil engineering | Analyses, models, designs and documents civil structures such as bridges, dams, retaining walls, reservoirs, car parks, roads and coastal structures. Includes peer review assessment. |
Constructability | Advises on the constructability of the projects during the pre-construction phase, balancing the various project and environmental constraints to achieve the project goals, including the extent to which the design of the building facilitates ease of construction, the effective and timely integration of construction knowledge into the conceptual planning, design, construction and project delivery process. Includes peer review assessment. |
Customer experience | Designs the end customer experience and interaction with the asset, visually, acoustically, communications touch points and transactions. |
Drafting, visualisation and digital engineering | Converts engineering and architectural designs, plans, and layouts into a set of technical drawings. It includes manual sketches and/or virtual and digital models utilising design and drafting software applications and processes such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) for planning, designing, construction delivery and building operation and maintenance purposes. Includes peer review assessment. |
Electrical engineering | Analyses, models, designs and documents the requirements for indoor and outdoor lighting, power, HV/LV reticulation and switchboards, control, uninterruptable power supplies, generators, fire detection and voice and data cabling for site services, architectural facilities and buildings for civil works. Includes peer review assessment. |
Electronic and communication systems engineering | Analyses, models, designs and documents the requirements for electronic, communication and audio-visual systems required for all infrastructure asset types including rail systems, communications and signalling. Includes peer review assessment. |
Fire services | Analyses, models, designs and documents all structural, mechanical, electrical and electronic services to attain required levels of fire safety compliant with relevant regulations. Includes advice in fire safety engineering, passive fire design, evacuation modelling and means of escape assessments, as well as peer review assessment. |
Geotechnical Engineering and Hydrology | Investigates, analyses, models and reports on ground conditions, natural behaviour, slope stability, site conditions response to artificially changed conditions and capacity to support civil and architectural structures. Hydrology: Analyses and reports on the movement, distribution and management of water and water resources, water quality testing and impact assessments. Both sub-services may include peer review assessment. |
Human factors | Advises on systems and infrastructure safety, efficiency and comfort for customers and employees to use and operate, applying structured analysis and human behaviour and performance science in the design phase. |
Track and alignment | Analyses, models, designs and documents rail track alignment including special track work such as turnouts, crossovers and diamond crossings in accordance with applicable codes and standards. |
Tunnel ventilation | Analyses, models, designs and documents tunnel ventilation, ensuring adequate material temperature and heat dissipation mechanism, adequate air quality, controlled spread of smoke in case of fire and reduced air temperatures to acceptable limits. |
Hydraulics services | Analyses, models, designs and documents hydraulic services within and around buildings and as site services to buildings, including water, sewerage, drainage, stormwater, town gas, LPG and fire hydrants and hose reels. Includes peer review assessment. |
Land surveying / spatial |
Land surveying: Determines accurate terrestrial or 3-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them
required to establish land maps, boundaries and locations.
Spatial: Designs and develops spatial analytics using Geographic Information System (GIS). Both sub-services may include peer review assessment. |
Manufacturing processes engineering | Analyses, models, designs and documents manufacturing systems and processes, including those used to process chemicals and materials. Includes peer review assessment. |
Mechanical engineering | Analyses, models, designs and documents the requirements for air conditioning, heating, ventilation, domestic hot water, non-potable water, cool rooms, steam, medical/industrial gases, vertical transportation, building management and control systems for architectural facilities and buildings for civil works. Includes peer review assessment. |
Rolling stock | Analyses, models, designs, documents and supervises the manufacturing process and installation of rail vehicles, including locomotives, carriages, wagons and multiple units. Includes routine maintenance and quality and safety standards certification. |
Security | Analyses, models, designs and documents security systems, including site inspection, training and commissioning of those required for correctional centres, courthouses, police stations and juvenile justice centres. Advises on engineering design and construction materials for counter-terrorism measures and general infrastructure safety and security, including suicide prevention (compliance with the Security Industry Act 1997). Includes peer review assessment. |
Structural engineering | Analyses, models, designs and documents the structural components of buildings, such as footings, beams, floors, facades, roof structure walls, columns and roadworks, hydraulic and stormwater designs associated with buildings. Includes peer review assessment. |
Sustainability | Advises on buildings and structure design and construction to optimise the use of energy and materials, and limit waste to achieve sustainable outcomes – absolute and relative to the relevant standards. |
Systems assurance / reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) | Analyses potential scenarios of service failures and disruptions and their possible costs to develop strategies to reduce those risks and ensure assets remain reliable, maintainable, available and safe for use. Defines, captures, validates and verifies operational and safety requirements, manages changes and validates their acceptance and compliance with operational and safety standards and the authority. |
Traffic and transport engineering | Analyses, models, designs and documents the operation of traffic and transport infrastructure including specialist advice on intelligent transport systems. Includes peer review assessment. |
Utilities engineering | Models and estimates costs, including quantity surveying and resource estimation. Conducts benchmarking, establishes cost management plans and provides peer review assessment. |
Service type | Definition |
Archaeology and heritage | Advises on historic buildings, historical connections, ethnicity, craft activities, aboriginal and non-aboriginal, customs and traditions, belief systems and sacred space, identifying items of historical and cultural significance and the risks and constraints they impose on projects. High quality analysis report on conservation and excavation work. |
Environmental advisory, sustainability and resilience | Advises on the environmental conditions affecting the infrastructure project, including bushfire modelling, flood modelling, weather analysis modelling including wind, rain and snow, seismic assessment, and terrestrial and aquatic ecology advice. Advises on strategy development in all aspects of environmental sustainability including reporting, communication, research activities and facilitates sustainability accreditations and certifications. Provides infrastructure resilience advice including disaster modelling, disaster preparedness, restoration remediation and redevelopment. |
Environmental compliance, audit and due diligence | Reviews the environmental performance of a project in achieving both legislative compliance and the organisation's environmental goals and objectives. It includes developing and implementing Environmental Management Systems (EMS) as well as planning, managing and conducting environmental checks and audits as noise monitoring, air quality monitoring, hazardous materials, contaminated site investigation and occupational hygienist, and reporting and acting on the findings. Conducts environmental due diligence for commercial or real state acquisitions and selling. |
Environmental impact assessment | Evaluates the bio-diversity assessment and the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development. |
Health and safety advisory and compliance | Advises on health and safety strategy and plans, assess worker risks, incorporating best practices and ensuring compliance with legislation to improve workplace environment. Includes on site training and conducts reviews, risk analysis, hazard elimination, engineering modification and incident investigations. |
Service type | Definition |
Asset and facilities management | Plans, acquires and manages project assets including land, buildings and equipment, vehicle fleet and security to contribute for the successful completion of the project, and provides peer review assessment. |
Contract and financial management | Manages the contract post-establishment including administering contract requirements on behalf of the client, interpreting and enforcing contract terms and conditions, monitoring contract progress, identifying and resolving any contract issues and managing the termination or renewal of the contract upon its expiration. Also included contract negotiation wherever required. Forecasts and manages the expenditures of the project, monitoring finances and identifying potential cost risks to prevent spend over budget by collaborating with both internal and external parties, from clients to stakeholders, and provides peer review assessment. |
Design management | Manages the design process including planning and initiating a design, managing and controlling the design process to meet specifications, budget and time constraints. Contributes to planning and project management activities within a larger project or program. Includes peer review assessment. |
Dispute management | Oversees and directs the resolution of disputes between the parties engaged in an infrastructure project or program. Includes peer review assessment. |
Program and project management | Establishes program/project leadership and executes program/project plans, monitoring and controlling the development of the program/project according to cost management plans and stakeholders and communication management plans. The service also includes project initiation, contract management and administration and peer review assessment. |
Project control and scheduling | Monitors cost and schedules, including conducting lifecycle cost analysis, critical path method analysis and scheduling. It reviews and monitors project activities, generates progress against planned reports and recommends actions to recover schedule or improve efficiency. Contributes to planning and project management activities within a larger project or program. Includes peer review assessment. |
Project governance | Designs and establishes a framework for decision making in infrastructure programs and projects. Includes approval pathways, quality assurance mechanisms, stakeholder management approaches, points of accountability. Includes executing processes to oversee program and project progress, and providing peer review assessment. |
Property acquisition and valuation | Demonstrates and documents of the impact of a planned change or development through analysis, simulation and modelling of rail, highways, junctions, roadways, pathways and other transport infrastructure. Includes peer review assessment. |
Risk management | Identifies, evaluates and manages project risks by designing the risk management strategy and executing risk management plans. Includes identifying, implementing and monitoring mitigation measures needed to prevent exposure to risk, managing and operating risk register and ensuring appropriate communication to project stakeholders. Contributes to planning and project management activities within a larger project or program, and provides peer review assessment. |
Transaction management | Plans, executes and manages the procurement process required for successful project delivery across diverse delivery models including Design & Construct (D&C), Construct-only and PPP, by undertaking EOI management, evaluation and shortlisting, tender document preparation, bid and tender evaluation, negotiation and award. Includes peer review assessment. |
Service type | Definition |
Business case and economics | Evaluates prospective alternatives to meet the service need, comparing alignment with objectives, socio-economic impact, feasibility, financial appraisal and funding alternatives, delivery model and risks. Includes the definition of project objectives, scope, purpose, deliverables and peer review assessment. |
Cost modelling and planning | Models and estimates costs, including quantity surveying and resource estimation. Conducts benchmarking, establishes cost management plans and provides peer review assessment. |
Packaging and delivery strategy | Plans the strategy to split programs or projects into series of work packages suitable for obtaining tenders, contracting and risk transfer. Includes peer review assessment. |
Service strategy and service planning | The consultant in this capability will demonstrate the ability to establish a strategic planning vision that can be actioned through strategic plans and government policy frameworks. Propose and test strategic planning scenarios that recognise current conditions and anticipate long term change. Identify services needs and performance outcomes to be delivered by single or multiple assets, by asset portfolios or through master plans (includes master planning services) at a range of scales. Communicate with diverse stakeholders to develop strategic planning proposals. Undertake peer review assessment and research as required. |
Traffic modelling | Demonstrates and documents of the impact of a planned change or development through analysis, simulation and modelling of rail, highways, junctions, roadways, pathways and other transport infrastructure. Includes peer review assessment. |
Service type | Definition |
Asset inspection | Condition assessment of the assets and its components, defects identification and scoping through trade qualified personnel, including building inspection and network condition assessment, with high risk inspection as well. |
Commissioning | Reviews, analyses and verifies that the infrastructure and its components are complete, tested and fit for operation to the client requirements. Includes formal handover to the final owner or client, as-built drawings and operation and maintenance manuals. |
Compliance and assurance | Advises, plans, directs and coordinates activities of a project ensuring compliance with legislative, ethical or regulatory standards within the project scope including BCA and access consulting. They are regulated by Fair Trading (in accordance with the Building and Developer Certifier Act) |
Independent certification and site surveillance | Develops and executes construction verification, certification, monitoring and surveillance plans accordingly to construction contract. Inspects and approves building work ensuring compliance with approved building plans and building standards. |
Planning advisory consulting | Advises on planning permit pathways and processes for an infrastructure project, provides regulatory advice, conducts pre application investigations, prepares application documents, advises on planning authority relationship management and monitors application outcome. |
Service type | Definition |
Communication and stakeholder engagement |
Advises in management of organisational reputation with the external media or general public, reviewing and developing public relations strategies and planning. Develops community and stakeholders engagement plans, speeches and presentations for internal/external use including technical writing and graphic design activities such as brochures, reports, maps and infographics and provides facilitation services. Develops responses and communication plans for the management of issues. Also includes workshop facilitation and report preparation. |
Marketing and campaign management | Identifies and implements integrated marketing activities and channels to reach campaign objectives as well as influence stakeholders utilising both online and offline marketing communications tools and digital media channels. |
Schemes covering infrastructure advisory
Use whole-of-government schemes relevant to you to procure infrastructure advisory services:
- Consultants in Construction up to $9 Million Scheme (SCM1191)
- Consultants in Construction above $9 Million Procurement List (SCM10611)
- Performance and Management Services Scheme engagement type 15 (SCM0005)
- Government Architect's Strategy and Design Scheme (SCM0801)
Recommended commercial framework
The Infrastructure Advisory Standard commercial framework includes:
- standardised resource and service types
- capped daily resource rates
- discount structure
- expenses policy.
NSW Government agencies are recommended to use the commercial framework, as guidance, when evaluating and awarding contracts to infrastructure advisory suppliers.
The purpose of the commercial framework is to help achieve best value for money and increase transparency.
Download the commercial framework
The framework is commercial-in-confidence. If you're an agency buyer, you can download the commercial framework from your dashboard.
Recommended contract framework tools and templates
The IA contract framework includes contract templates and tools for a standardised approach to risk allocation when buying infrastructure advisory services.
NSW Government agencies are recommended to use the contract framework when buying infrastructure advisory services. The contract framework includes contract templates and tools:
- Short Form contract DOCX, 287.51 KB - for low-risk engagements
- Long Form contract DOCX, 449.2 KB - for high-risk engagements
- Tender Schedules DOCX, 101.89 KB
- Tender Conditions DOCX, 75.27 KB
- Letter of Award DOCX, 33.65 KB
- Letter of Suspension DOCX, 35.49 KB
- Notice of Breach DOCX, 33.59 KB
- Request a Variation Proposal DOCX, 33.82 KB
- Variation Order DOCX, 33.5 KB
More details are available in the IA contract framework user guide.
Transport for NSW buyers are to continue using the Professional Services Contracts (PSC) contract templates and tools which have similar terms and conditions to the IA contract framework.
Policy requirements
Procurement Board Direction PBD-2022-02 applies to all infrastructure advisory engagements, including engagements outside of the schemes listed above.
The PBD-2022-02:
- mandates quarterly reporting for top suppliers
- mandates agencies to ensure applicable scheme rules and contract conditions incorporate the reporting requirement
- recommends agencies to use the Infrastructure Advisory Standard Commercial Framework as guidance when evaluating and awarding contracts
- mandates agencies to use standardised daily resourcing templates when engaging suppliers (see Tools and templates).
Recommended commercial framework tools and templates
Select the scheme you’re using to view available tools. There are also tools available for procurements outside a whole-of-government scheme.
- Engagement pricing template XLSX, 100.26 KB. Suppliers to complete and attach resource level breakdown when submitting bid for a contract.
- Supplier report of engagements template XLSX, 232.23 KB. Suppliers must use this template to comply with mandatory reporting requirements.
- Engagement pricing template XLSX, 91.84 KB. Suppliers to complete and attach resource level breakdown when submitting bid for a contract.
- Supplier report of engagements template XLSX, 232.23 KB. Suppliers must use this template to comply with mandatory reporting requirements.
- Request for quotation part A – specification DOCX, 1668.58 KB. Use this template for requests for quote (RFQ).
- Request for quotation part B – response XLSM, 260.71 KB. Use this template for requests for quote (RFQ).
- Engagement pricing template XLSX, 139.41 KB. Suppliers to complete and attach resource level breakdown when submitting bid for a contract.
- Supplier report of engagements template XLSX, 232.23 KB. Suppliers must use this template to comply with mandatory reporting requirements.
- Engagement pricing template XLSX, 185.12 KB. Suppliers to complete and attach resource level breakdown when submitting bid for a contract.
- Supplier report of engagements template XLSX, 232.23 KB. Suppliers must use this template to comply with mandatory reporting requirements.
- Best practice buyer's guide PPTX, 1004.35 KB. Guidance for buyers on engaging and managing suppliers of infrastructure advisory services.
- Engagement pricing template XLSX, 302.08 KB. Suppliers to complete and attach resource level breakdown when submitting bid for a contract.
- Supplier report of engagements template XLSX, 232.23 KB. Suppliers must use this template to comply with mandatory reporting requirements.
Mandatory supplier reporting
The top 50 infrastructure advisory suppliers to NSW Government must submit quarterly reports on all resource level engagements to NSW Treasury.
NSW Treasury contacts suppliers to manage the reporting process.
Download the supplier report of engagements template XLSX, 232.23 KB.
Watch the tutorial video if you require guidance to complete supplier report of engagements template.
Email completed reports to
Who to contact
Standard commercial framework
Email NSW Procurement at
Infrastructure advisory contract framework
Email NSW Treasury at
buy.nsw account enquiries
Email the NSW Procurement Service Centre at
Scheme enquiries
Contact the scheme owner listed for the scheme you're using.