Aboriginal suppliers

We actively encourage government agencies to buy from Aboriginal businesses.
On this page
What you need to know
  • The NSW Government is making it easier for Aboriginal businesses to work with us.
  • We recommend agencies give first consideration to Aboriginal business for goods and services contracts up to $250,000.
  • For contracts over $7.5 million, suppliers must consider opportunities for Aboriginal participation.
  • You can sign up at any time and apply to be included in a scheme to supply to government.

We encourage government agencies to buy from Aboriginal businesses

The NSW Government values the contribution that the First Economy makes to the community and supports the growth of Aboriginal-owned businesses.

The Aboriginal Procurement Policy (APP) helps Aboriginal businesses get government contracts – directly and as sub-contractors.

The APP became effective in 2021. It replaced the Aboriginal Procurement Policy (2018) and the Aboriginal Participation in Construction Policy (2018).

If you have an existing contract under the 2018 policies, the requirements of your contract don't change.

Our policy aims to increase spend with Aboriginal businesses

The APP covers all NSW Government contracts – for both construction and goods and services procurement.

All NSW Government clusters have been assigned targets to increase spend with Aboriginal businesses. Clusters must:

  • spend 1% of addressable expenditure directly with Aboriginal businesses
  • direct 3% goods and services contracts to Aboriginal businesses.

See the targets and our progress towards them.

Contracts up to $250,000

The policy requires that, for procurements up to $250,000 (excluding GST), government agencies should first consider buying from an Aboriginal business.

An Aboriginal business doesn’t need to be on a scheme to buy from them.

Agencies can buy from an Aboriginal business by requesting a single quote.

Contracts over $7.5 million

The APP requires that suppliers include a minimum 1.5% Aboriginal participation in all contracts over $7.5 million (excluding GST).

This can include sub-contracting, employment and training activity.

Register for government work if you're an Aboriginal business

Under the APP, Aboriginal businesses must be recognised as an Aboriginal business by a suitable organisation, such as Supply Nation or the NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce.

If you own an Aboriginal business and are recognised by either of these bodies, we encourage you to register for opportunities to supply to government.

We advertise most government opportunities on Opportunities Hub.

Once you sign up as a supplier, you can respond to advertised tenders or apply to join relevant schemes.

While being on a scheme isn't required to supply on procurements up to $250,000, it will increase the visibility of your business to buyers.

When you’re accepted on a scheme, you may be invited to quote for specific opportunities that fit your company’s profile.

Find sub-contracting opportunities

If you're an Aboriginal business and interested in sub-contracting opportunities, you can search contracts awarded on buy NSW Tenders.

Find and contact suppliers that have been awarded contracts. You can contact them to seek out any sub-contracting opportunities that may be available.

Sign up as a supplier.

The Department of Customer Services launched Tenders on July 1 2024 to create a more secure and integrated market opportunity process.

Suppliers will have a more streamlined experience, making it easier for them to do business with NSW Government.

All disclosures will continue to be published in NSW eTendering. Work is currently underway for a replacement disclosures module in the coming months.

Our concierge service reaches out to Aboriginal businesses

The concierge service is an initiative to personally reach out to Aboriginal businesses throughout all of NSW and help them gain greater access to NSW Government procurement opportunities.

NSW Procurement provides assistance in matching agency buyers, where possible, to Aboriginal businesses in all categories of work.

NSW Procurement also advise on various Aboriginal policies, and examples on how to directly engage Aboriginal businesses subject to value for money outcomes.

Agencies and Aboriginal businesses in NSW can seek further information on the concierge service by emailing sourcing@treasury.nsw.gov.au or calling 1800 679 289.

Get involved with future projects

The NSW Government has a strong pipeline of infrastructure projects for suppliers to become involved in.

To increase Aboriginal participation, suppliers can view and get involved in the project pipelines through Infrastructure NSW and Transport NSW.

Contact agency procurement units

Aboriginal businesses can contact NSW Government agencies via the details below.

Department of Communities and Justice - procurement@justice.nsw.gov.au

Department of Customer Service - corporateprocurement@customerservice.nsw.gov.au

Department of Education - procurementgovernance@det.nsw.edu.au

Department of Planning, Industry and Environment - procurement@dpie.nsw.gov.au

Department of Premier and Cabinet

NSW Health

NSW Treasury

Regional NSW - regional.procurement@dpie.nsw.gov.au

Transport for NSW - aboriginal.engagement@transport.nsw.gov.au